WordPress theme development step by step

Posted by FDS Outsource On August 22, 2019 in Web Design, Web Development, WordPress
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WordPress is a powerful platform, but it is easy to get overwhelmed if you are new to it. You could spend hours figuring out how to add a widget or change your website layout. And then all the plugins are necessary for WordPress to function—it can be a lot of work!


But do not worry: we know all about the ins and outs of working with WordPress because we have been doing it long enough ourselves. Here is our step-by-step guide on what you need to know about Theme developments and plugin development for WordPress.


A theme is made up of many files and stored in the themes directory on your server. You can create custom themes by editing these files and adding new ones.


Here is how it works:


Step 1: Create a new theme


Let us start with the basics. Go to Your Dashboard > Themes, and then click Add New.


1. Do your research on WordPress themes


2. Choose the right template for your project


3. Create a new theme folder and copy the default files


4. Add images, CSS, and js files to your theme folder


5. Create a new file named functions.php and place it in the theme folder as well


6. Create a style.css file in your theme folder and add any styles you need


Step 2: Start with an idea


You’ll have some ideas already, but if not you can come up with your own. The most important thing is to have a clear vision of what you want your site to do. Do you want it to be more professional, or simple casual? or informative? Think about the different kinds of people who will use your site and decide which style of theme is best for them.


Step 3: Create a wireframe


The next step is creating a wireframe, which is a rough sketch of how the site will look once it’s built. This should give you an idea about how much work there is ahead of you and help you plan out the layout and design of your site.


Step 4: Design the homepage and header image


Now that we know what kind of content we want on our homepage, we can start designing it! A lot of people like using templates when designing their sites because they can save time by doing most of the work for wp themes, but if this sounds daunting then do not worry about it, you do not need to get started from scratch! There are lots of free templates available online that provide everything from headers and backgrounds right

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